What is the difference between Purchase Order & Purchase Order Access Granted?

In LearningCart, your site can be set up to allow customers to pay via Purchase Order.
To allow purchase orders as a payment method, view the online help here

In the Site Utilities/Internal Values there are 2 options available to control how Purchase Order submissions are handled.

The Internal Value -AutoGrantAccessToPurchaseOrders controls when Orders submitted with a payment method of Purchase Order are given access to the purchased items.

If the value is set to True, orders paid by Purchase Order will have access to purchased items immediately upon completion of the order. The status of the Order will be Purchase Order Access Granted.
The customer will not have access to the Order in the Order History until the status of the Order is updated to Processed.

If the value is set to False, orders paid by Purchase Order will not include access to purchased items until the status is set to Processed. The status of the Order upon completion of purchase will be Purchase Order.
Creation date: 10/2/2018 4:27 PM     Updated: 10/3/2018 10:50 AM