How do I use the Customer Import function in LearningCart

The Customer Import page allows you to import multiple customer orders and send a Welcome email message along with login credentials.

Step 1 – Create a file in a CSV format containing these fields listed in order.

First Name - First name
Last Name - Last name
Email - Email address
Password - if no password is entered, a system generated password will be sent to the user.
Group ID - if the user should be part of a group, enter the Group ID. If Group ID is not used, leave this column blank.
Price ID - enter the Price ID for the Product. If you wish to include access to multiple products, create new rows for those products.
To find the Price ID, go to Storefront/Manage Products, Locate your product and click Edit. Select the Price tab. Price ID will display next to each Price that has been created.
Cost - enter the Product price for this order.
The file must not contain a header row. There is also a 250 row limit for the file.

Step 2 - On the Customer Import page - import your file.
For more details - review the online help here

Once this is complete, the Customer account will be created in LearningCart with access to the product specified.
Also - please note - if an account already exists for the Email address specified - the product will be added to the existing customers account.
A $0.00 order will also display on the customers account for this item.
Creation date: 4/26/2016 5:32 PM     Updated: 5/8/2018 12:45 PM